AltenHilfe Afrika – thats how we help
We are certain: Those who want to help elders in African countries need to organise help right there. That is why the non-profit organisation AltenHilfe Afrika implements trendsetting pilot projects in cooperation with African Colleagues. These show which types of support are effective quickly but that also last in the long run. On the way there, small steps are what we need to realise geriatic care on site. A few wheelchairs enable old people to move around their village, allowing them to get to their doctor. Understandable information about age-related illnesses prepares old patients for the sufferings ahead of them, whose reasons, effects and treatment methods they are currently unaware of. Caregivers at home can help these people to help themselves. In the medium and long term, it is our goal to build centers for geriatic care, first one, then at further locations in Africa. These centres will not only provide elders with direct help. They shall also shine as good examples for similar projects.